Donate Life KY hosting outdoor decorating contest

Donate Life Month, #Derby Season, and #SPRING have finally arrived and we know how excited you are to enjoy warmer temperatures and spend time outside!For Donate Life Month, we challenge you to decorate your outdoor space in blue and green to celebrate LIFE for the month of April.To be a part of our Porch decorating contest follow these simple steps below:
1) Decorate your porch, yard, door step, etc. in blue and green/garden themed (try to include somewhere!)
2) Take a picture
3) Upload to this form: or send to
The porch/yard who receives the most Facebook LIKES on our post during Donate Life Spirit Week (April 12-16) will win a $50 Uber Eats Gift Card, $25 Amazon Gift Card, beach towel, blue and green Derby tea towel and coozie!
Pictures must be submitted by Friday, April 9th, 2021. Voting will end Friday, April 16, 2021.