Your Contributions

The Circuit Clerks’ Trust For Life, Inc. is a 501c(3) non-profit organization.

We are funded by generous community and personal donations. We do not receive any federal or state funding. Financial contributions are tax-deductible; our Tax ID number will be mailed to the contributor.

We graciously accept charitable contributions in honor of loved ones or in support of our efforts to inspire others to Donate Life. Contributions can also be made to the Satterwhite Recipient Assistance Fund to assist transplant recipients and their families with costs associated with transplantation not covered by insurance. Each financial gift, no matter the amount, is greatly appreciated and helps us to fulfill our mission of informing, educating, and encouraging Kentuckians to register as organ & tissue donors to save lives.

Financial contributions can be made online here.

Please specify if the donation is intended for Satterwhite Fund. If in honor/memory of someone, please include the names/addresses for acknowledgment or sent through the mail at the following address:

Trust For Life
982 Eastern Pkwy  Box 13
Louisville, KY 40217

Please make checks payable to Trust For Life

Include with the check:

– Your name, address, phone number.
– Name of the individual in whose honor/memory the donation is being made.
– Name and address where acknowledgment should be sent (name/address of the person or, if memorial, family).

We thank all those who provide memorial and tribute contributions as they are tax-deductible.

Donate Life License Plate available at your County Clerk’s Office

Satterwhite Fund

Trust For Life’s Judge Charles Satterwhite Recipient Assistance Fund began assisting Kentucky organ transplant patients in 2001. In that time, the fund has been able to assist 418 recipients from 88 different counties around Kentucky with grants totaling nearly $300,000. Recipients have ranged in age from 3 months to 70 years old.

The fund covers the expenses that the family does not have the resources to meet or are not covered by medical insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. We sometimes refer to these expenses as those that have “slipped through the cracks” of our medical safety net.

Referrals for assistance are only accepted from hospital social workers and are kept strictly confidential.

Owen County’s Circuit Court Judge, Charles Satterwhite, was one of the state’s most respected jurists. A victim of cystic fibrosis during his youth, he built a stellar career in the law, becoming Kentucky’s youngest Circuit Court Judge ever. He was a double-lung transplant recipient and a member of the Board of Directors until his death in 1998.

Funds for the Satterwhite Fund are raised by a number of fundraising activities, along with grants and contributions from individuals and corporations.