Recipient's Wife
I am a Program Manager at Volunteers of America Mid-States. Every year, they partner with Donate Life Kentucky to host the Hope and Healing campaign, which highlights the importance of organ eye and tissue donation. During this campaign we ask employees to consider adding their names to the confidential organ donor list. When I found out about this campaign, I called my husband immediately and was like, ‘look at how awesome it is that my workplace is promoting this.’
My husband, Justin, was diagnosed with Pelvic Kidney Disease at a young age and after a trip to the doctor four and one-half years ago, he found out he was in stage five kidney failure – which means his kidney function was less than 12 percent.
I think I may have taken it harder than him because he’s had his whole life to prepare for this, but I didn’t expect two years into our marriage for him to need a major medical surgery that is going to impact the rest of our lives.
After he was added the transplant list, our daily lives drastically changed. We were not allowed to travel four hours outside of Kentucky without calling and letting our coordinator know just in case he gets the call for a transplant. From changes in diet to daily routines, our lives revolved around waiting for the life-saving call.
Needless to say, I loved that my workplace promoted organ donation. When people add their name to the list, it brings both of us joy because it means strangers are advocating for his health.
Just before Christmas 2023, we received the best present — we finally got the call and Justin received a lifesaving kidney! Today, his health continues to improve and now we want to share our story to give hope to others waiting for a life-saving transplant.