Recipient's granddaughter
On September 12th 1992, my beautiful Grandmother Peggy Williams received the gift of life when her transplant kidney made it from Florida to Louisville Kentucky. She was forty eight years old when she was transplanted, and had been doing dialysis for two and a half years at home with the assistance of my Grandfather, John Williams. She was transplanted at the old Jewish hospital downtown, under the care of surgeon Fredrick Bentley.
Being only four years old at the time of her transplant it is nearly impossible to explain what her donor did for me. Our donors gracious gift gave me twenty nine amazing years with the best woman I have ever known. Twenty nine years of the warmest hugs, endless laughs, deep conversations, and unconditional love. My Nana was a Jesus loving, family driven, compassionate lady. She had a smile that could instantly heal, and her sense of humor and quick wit would bring happiness to everyone around her. She would do anything for anyone without hesitation. She wanted everyone to feel important and loved. She was the strongest lady I have ever met, and the true definition of a fighter! Her donor gave her the ability to meet and love seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. It gave her sixty two years of being a mother, and fifty one years of being a wife.
Although we were never able to personally thank our donor family we are incredibly grateful for them. Their self less, life giving gift was the best gift we have ever received. If it wasn’t for organ donation I wouldn’t be the woman that I am today, because I wouldn’t have had the most amazing Grandma by my side to teach me so many lessons about life.
She passed away in 2022 at seventy seven years old with her transplant kidney still functioning properly. Her story is the driving force behind why my family is registered organ donors, in hopes that one day we can show our gratitude by also giving the gift of life.