James- Liver Recipient

My name is James Fielding, I live in Lexington, KY, and I found out I needed a new liver at the age of 56. After not feeling well for a few months, I went in for a routine physical and got the call the next morning from my primary care physician to head to the hospital. I later learned I had an autoimmune disease, PBC, that attacks your liver, and I went through the process of getting listed on the transplant waiting list. After 25 months, I received the call for my gift of life on February 6th, 2020. I am happy to report that I have been doing wonderful and feel better than I have in years. My doctors and medical staff at The University of Kentucky hospital saved my life and went way beyond my expectations. I owe my life to my donor and the staff at UK hospital. I am so grateful for all of the love, prayers, and support from my family, friends, and complete strangers. I am forever grateful to my donor and their family and hope to always spread awareness of organ donation.