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Lung Recipient

I was a healthy, active director of a soccer league, mother, grandmother, and wife until I got sick with what doctors’ thought was pneumonia. Turns out I had an autoimmune disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, that was attacking my lungs. In the process of diagnosing my lung issues, breast cancer was found. Suddenly I went from someone very healthy to someone very sick. My disease progressed quickly, and I was put on the transplant list in 2018. After eight months on the list, I received my lungs. I doubt I would have had a ninth month.

Because a donor said “yes” to donation, I have seen my five grandchild grow and my sixth be born, and my youngest son get married. The list of things I would have missed in the past five year is long. A donor gave me back my life. Being a donor means you or your loved one can reset someone’s timeline. YOU can save a life. Register to be a donor and make sure your loved ones know your wishes. It is the greatest gift you can give.